by Edited by Matthew J. Friedman, Terence M. Keane, and Patricia A. Resick
Unparalleled in its breadth and depth, this state-of-the-art handbook reviews the latest scientific advances in understanding trauma and PTSD, discusses the implications for clinical practice, and evaluates the status of evidence-based assessment and treatment.
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Unparalleled in its breadth and depth, this state-of-the-art handbook reviews the latest scientific advances in understanding trauma and PTSD, discusses the implications for clinical practice, and evaluates the status of evidence-based assessment and treatment. The foremost authorities in the field examine posttraumatic psychological reactions on multiple levels, from genes and neurocircuitry to gender and lifespan development. Established and emerging psychological, medical, and public health interventions are discussed in depth, as are issues in tailoring treatment to the needs of different populations. Special topics include forensic issues, resilience, and prevention. The integrative concluding chapter presents a reasoned agenda for future research.
"It is not hyperbole to refer to this edited compendium of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), undertaken by three directors of the Department of Veterens Affairs National Center for PTSD, as a scholarly tour de force. The virtuosity lies in the convergence of three factors of any significant writing endeavor: aspiration, organization, and, most critically, execution....This rigorous collection of reviews is a boon to the field....This volume captures the evolution from a monomethod, monoconceptual focus of early PTSD research (documenting a given trauma's effect on a given sample with a particular set of symptom instruments) to relatively rich and complex models of resilience and risk....It is hard to imagine anyone working in the field of PTSD from practitioner to researcher—but especially the latter—who would not find this comprehensive collection of reviews grounding as well as inspirational. The practitioner will be able to pick and choose chapters according to his or her populations of interest, understand base rates and epidemiology, and even track down intervention protocols proven effective for particular patients. Clinical scientists or laboratories devoted to trauma research will have at their disposal in the Handbook of PTSD a transparently generous guide to programmatic research. The exciting methods and conceptualizations—in risk and resilience, in the public health model, in nontraditional...web-delivered or educational interventions—are 'lying in wait.' The editors and contributors alike can be sanguine in the expectation that they will be the impetus for another exciting generation of trauma research and psychosocial interventions aimed at alleviating posttraumatic suffering." -APA PsycCRITIQUES
"The publication of Handbook of PTSD represents an extraordinary effort to consolidate the immense, complex, and at times contradictory body of knowledge on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a single textbook. The editors and more than 50 other contributors successfully deliver a book that meets the goal stated in the preface: to provide a sophisticated introduction to the trauma field for graduate students, interns, fellows, scientists, and practitioners....Highly organized, balanced, evidence-based, and comprehensive....An essential resource for anyone who works as a clinician or researcher in the trauma field, and it is recommended for residency and graduate training programs....Irrespective of the reader's school of thought, discipline, or level of training, this book provides a multitude of ways to enrich and inspire a better understanding of this complex field." -New England Journal of Medicine
"I am very impressed by the scope of this volume and the thoughtfulness of the individual chapters. Friedman et al. have produced a comprehensive book that can serve both as an introduction to the field for newcomers and an up-to-date reference for more experienced clinicians and researchers. The book succinctly reviews—and, in some cases, resolves—many recent scientific issues and debates. The attention to methodological issues is particularly welcome. Discussions of the relevance of the concept of PTSD to physical health, policy, and law provide a nice bookend to coverage of the more basic scientific work that has led to our current understanding of PTSD risk, diagnosis, and treatment. A valuable addition to my professional library." -Rachel Yehuda, PhD, Director, Traumatic Stress Studies Division, Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center
592 Pages, Size: 7" x 10"
I. Historical Overview
1. PTSD: Twenty-Five Years of Progress and Challenges, Matthew J. Friedman, Patricia A. Resick, and Terence M. Keane
2. The History of Trauma in Psychiatry, Bessel A. van der Kolk
3. A Psychological History of PTSD, Candice M. Monson, Matthew J. Friedman, and Heidi A. J. La Bash
II. Scientific Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives
4. Psychological Theories of PTSD, Shawn P. Cahill and Edna B. Foa
5. The Epidemiology of Trauma and PTSD, Fran H. Norris and Laurie B. Slone
6. Risk Pathways for PTSD: Making Sense of the Literature, Dawne S. Vogt, Daniel W. King, and Lynda A. King
7. Remembering and Forgetting, Chris R. Brewin
8. Trauma-Induced Dissociation, Anne P. DePrince and Jennifer J. Freyd
9. Neurocircuitry and Neuroplasticity in PTSD, Alexander Neumeister, Shannan Henry, and John H. Krystal
10. Neurobiological Alterations Associated with PTSD, Steven M. Southwick, Lori L. Davis, Deane E. Aikins, Ann Rasmusson, Jill Barron, and Charles A. Morgan III
11. Gene-Environment Interactions: Twin Studies and Gene Research in the Context of PTSD, Ronnen Segman, Arieh Y. Shalev, and Joel Gelernter
12. Gender Issues in PTSD, Rachel Kimerling, Paige Ouimette, and Julie C. Weitlauf
13. The Prevalence and Impact of Child Traumatic Stress, John A. Fairbank, Frank W. Putnam, and William W. Harris
14. Trauma in Older Adults, Joan M. Cook and George Niederehe
III. Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based State of the Art
15. Assessment of PTSD and Its Comorbidities in Adults, Terence M. Keane, Deborah J. Brief, Elizabeth M. Pratt, and Mark W. Miller
16. Early Intervention for Trauma, Brett T. Litz and Shira Maguen
17. Psychosocial Treatments for PTSD, Patricia A. Resick, Candice M. Monson, and Cassidy Gutner
18. Psychosocial Approaches for Children with PTSD, Glenn N. Saxe, Helen Z. MacDonald, and B. Heidi Ellis
19. Pharmacotherapy for PTSD, Matthew J. Friedman and Jonathan R. T. Davidson
20. Trauma Exposure and Physical Health, Paula P. Schnurr, Bonnie L. Green, and Stacey Kaltman
21. Cultural Issues and Trauma, Janet E. Osterman and Joop T.V.M. de Jong
IV. Uncharted Territory
22. PTSD and the Law, Landy F. Sparr and Roger K. Pitman
23. Emerging Treatments for PTSD, Stacy Shaw Welch and Barbara Olasov Rothbaum
24. Risk, Vulnerability, Resistance, and Resilience: Toward an Integrative Conceptualization of Posttraumatic Adaptation, Christopher M. Layne, Jared S. Warren, Patricia J. Watson, and Arieh Y. Shalev
25. Public Mental Health Interventions Following Disasters and Mass Violence, Patricia J. Watson, Laura Gibson, and Josef I. Ruzek
26. Key Questions and an Agenda for Future Research, Matthew J. Friedman, Patricia A. Resick, and Terence M. Keane
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